Meenkulathi Bhagavati Amman Temple’s striking feature is that devotees firmly believe that taking a bath in the tank that teems with fish (Meen: Fish/Kulathu: Pond) will cure all chronic ailments.

Yet another unique feature of this temple is that the shadow never falls on the ground.

The beautiful legend-based history of Indian temples is a rich source of India’s spiritual past and present. This southern temple is no exception.

It’s the only temple in India which appeared in one of the issues of Indian Medical Journal and also in Lancet, world’s most authentic medical journal.

Both the journals didn’t approve of the temple’s extraordinary divinity or special powers, but accounts of altogether 34 cases and claims appeared in the journals.

Some of them are given below:

A patient of chronic bronchitis was relieved of his ailment after taking the bath in the pond.

The water of the tank is believed to have certain attributes that can cure leprosy. The water sample was sent to UK and was found to have medicinal properties.

Skin diseases get cured after using this water.

A shoal of fish serves as a water-purifier. So the water of this tank is medicinally favourable.

Continuous bath in this water can cure brittle-bone problem because of the calcium in the water.

Like Ganga’s water, this water also doesn’t get contaminated even after many years.

One thing is noticeable. Many Indian temples like Meenkulathi Bhagavathi Amman temple or for that matter, shrines of any religion and faith, have this property of curing people of their ailments. It could be faith or sheer luck factor. But this happens.

Why do we visit temples?

To quote Father Abraham Kovoor of Sri Lanka, who remained a rationalist, nay a lifelong disbeliever:

“We lesser mortals are beggars. We go to temples and visit numerous shrines, not for any spiritual benefit but for our mundane needs. We go to church, temple, mosque etc. with a litany of our personal problems ans issues. We prostrate and entreat with the deities and ask for miracles. Miracles seldom happen. But we get a kind of mental satisfaction and that mental satisfaction ultimately works as a cure or panacea to our mental and health problems.”

-From the essay ‘Shrines: Our last resorts’

It’s really strange that our minds create imaginary images of divinity and we get the results accordingly. Well, not to belittle the very idea, one must reverentially speak of the religious places as these are the collective manifestations of people’s holistic religious needs and requirements.

The point is: Whole country is dotted with magnificent temples and shrines from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and the very atmosphere is surcharged with divine energy.

It’s worthwhile to mention that Meenkulathi Bhagavathi Amman temple gets featured among India’s 100 top temples for Hindus, though that doesn’t mean that the followers of other faiths are barred from having a darshan.

Source by Juhi Mateen


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