Here are care tips for some common palm species:

Chinese Fan Palm

Native to the islands of southern Japan, the Chinese fan palm is a hardy plant which will thrive with a little care.

Place it in full sunlight to partial shade areas.

Water requirements for the Chinese Fan Palm are high so water it regularly and heavily. It also has a mild drought tolerance so it is alright if you forget to water it.

Try not to expose it to frost and extended periods of extreme cold.

Triangle Palm

It is a beautiful, tough and medium sized palm tree that can grow to a height of about 30 feet. It is easy to care for this plant, here are a few tips.

Water it on regular basis, however it will survive if you forget to water it as it is a drought tolerant plant.

It has a moderate ability to survive cold but temperatures below 25 degrees Fahrenheit can harm the plant.

Place it in full sun.

Windmill Palm

The windmill palm tree is a beautiful, cold hardy palm that is native to Central China.

Place it partial shade. However it is also tolerant to full sun.

Water regularly.

Needle Palm

The hardiest of all palms when it comes to cold and frost tolerance, the needle palm is a low-height, slow growing palm that reaches to a maximum height of about 10 feet.

Place it in full sun to partial shade areas.

Plant in well drained soil.

As it can bear extremely cold temperatures down to -15 degrees Fahrenheit, make sure you water accordingly if you have it planted in such cold temperature. Excess of watering in winters will kill it of root rot.

Source by David J R


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