Why Teach Online?

According to the World Tourism Organisation, in 2008 there were over 922 million international tourist arrivals. Tourism and travel has indeed become a very popular global leisure activity. Whilst a large number of the 922 million people were travelling for business reasons, many were either having their annual fortnight vacation or travelling around different countries for a prolonged period. Many of these were either “Gap-Year Students” or people taking “time-out of the Rat Race” after a redundancy or termination of an employment contract. It is believed that many of those longer-term travelers would have wished to extend their travelling experience, but had to return to their native countries in order to find work or for other financial reasons.

Imagine if it were possible to be able travel the world and generate an income at the same time? Well now this dream can become a reality, by teaching online via the internet!

Although traditional teachers are able to impart their knowledge of their specialist subject, the truth is that almost anyone has something to teach. Perhaps you play a musical instrument, design clothing or can speak another language. Almost any subject can be taught over the internet, using standard Instant Messaging (IM) Tools, such as Skype, OoVoo, MSN (Windows Live Messenger) or Yahoo Messenger.

The major advantages of teaching online are:-

  • Location. You can teach from any country that has internet access.
  • Audience. With an estimated 2 Billion internet users, there is a massive potential to teach to students from any country.
  • Flexibility. You are able to set your own schedule and teach only when convenient for you.
  • Financial. You can set your own rate per lesson. Charge whatever amount you wish.
  • Saving. Both teacher and student can save both time and money, as neither party need to travel for a lesson.
  • Escaping the “Rat Race”. If you can earn enough money teaching online whilst you travel, you do not necessarily have to return “home” to find a “job” and can continue your travelling experience.

How could I teach online from another country?

This is a lot simpler than it sounds! Since the first Online Cafe or Cyber-Cafe was opened from San Francisco in July, 1991 there are now thousands of Cyber-Cafes in over 150 countries. Indeed Cyber-Cafes can now be found in the most surprising of places; from the Caribbean Islands to remote areas of Indonesia. Many travelers and tourists use Cyber-Cafes in order to check their emails, “stay in touch” with friends and family, keep informed with the latest news or simply visit their favourite websites. Perhaps, you are even reading this article from a Cyber-Cafe!

Fortunately, the cost of using their services is very low and they generally charge by the minute or by the hour.

Most Cyber-Cafes already come equipped with the following things you would need to teach online:-

  • Internet Access.
  • Access to one of the main “IM Tools” (Instant Message Tools); Skype, OoVoo, MSN (Windows Live Messenger) or Yahoo Messenger.
  • A standard pair of headphones, headset (or earphone/mic combination)
  • A standard Webcam
  • Website Portal where you can list your lessons, manage your bookings and financial transactions.

Alternatively, you may be travelling with a laptop or notebook computer and therefore can teach from the comfort of your accommodation or hotel room.

Who would want to teach online whilst travelling?

The opportunity to teach online whilst travelling is appealing to many people. How many of us have enjoyed a wonderful vacation in beautiful surroundings, only to have the niggling thought, that soon this paradise would be over and we would then have to return to the dreary world where we have to work and answer to our boss? The paradise can continue, if you are able to make money teaching something you enjoy online, for only several hours per week! If someone was travelling the world visiting many countries, they would be able to teach from any country they are visiting! Earning money as you travel gives you more control and freedom to live the life you wish and escape the “Rat Race”

The next step…

Whilst we have discussed the advantages of teaching online from any country whilst travelling, as an excellent alternative and potential escape route from the “Rat Race”, there are some other important factors that need consideration.

– How could I become a teacher and list lessons online?

– How do I manage all my bookings and avoid issues of double-booking students?

– How do I manage all my financial transactions?

These areas can be worrying for some people. Thankfully, our services remove this headache, leaving you free to teach at your leisure, whilst allowing you to continue enjoying your travel experiences.

Source by William Bentley


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